Johor Bahru

We went to Johor yesterday. It’s a poor version of Singapore, but the exchange rate to the pound is quite good so bought some sandals and shirts. The trip starts with an MRT trip to Kranji, then a bus ride to the Singapore exit hall, where they take your passport card and send you on your way. Then back on the bus to the Malaysia end of the causeway, where you get off, go to the Malaysian entry hall, give them your passport and a Malaysia entry card, which they stamp and you’re on your way again, usually by taxicab. Reverse the process returning to Singapore.

They stamped my passport with a fourteen-day visa this time, rather than a 30 day one…why, I don’t know. I hope that our trip to Indonesia tomorrow doesn’t result in a seven-day stay. At that rate I’ll have to leave a week early!

HWMBO went with us to the shopping centre to buy CDs and DVDs, but came down with a pre-migraine and had to leave almost before he’d entered. He called this morning and is better now, thank goodness.

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