BBC web column on blogging

The BBC News website had an item on blogging at work. As luck would have it, I landed on Waiter Rant. Do have a look at the entry for December 28th. It’s a real hoot.

I rarely if ever mention anything about work in this place. First, because a lot of it nowadays is concerned with writing and collecting company procedures. Very dull to anyone who doesn’t work for my current employer. Second, everything else is very dull too. Perhaps when I’ve left I’ll remember something interesting and exciting and mention it. Otherwise, don’t worry, you’ve missed nothing.

In any case, it’s probably a good idea not to say much about one’s work on a blog, especially if you’re identifiable or the company is identifiable. Too many people have been dooced, which I understand means losing one’s job through an incautious entry about your work in your blog. I can’t figure out the etymology of dooce.

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