Nicky is in Manchester

We got Nicky well and truly off to Manchester yesterday evening. It’s been a pretty hairy week, but HWMBO was surprised when I seemed grumpy last night. It’s a very serious situation to be responsible for the well-being and resettlement of a friend. I worked at home yesterday, and Nicky went for a checkup, which resulted in a change in his meds and a bit of angst. He’s not looking forward to being computerless in Manchester; his aunt doesn’t have one. His Orange mobile phone doesn’t get a very good signal at her house unless he goes to the very end of the backyard. He was already considering moving back to London later on.

We finally decanted him into the train and then went to the Ultimate Burger as HWMBO realised that I needed a treat and a break from cooking.

The good news is that our former flatmate Bom will be staying with us over the weekend! Hooray! What a lovely guy he is–we miss him constantly.

Oh, and I took the aspirin out of hiding yesterday and back into the medicine cabinet. We can now un-suicide-proof the house.

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