My weekend and welcome to it

Recently I’ve been wasting time watching Mikiefresh on I stopped watching Justin himself because he’s no longer very interesting. So this weekend I’ve been watching Mikie, who is a young entrepreneur who spends a lot of time fending off his female following, which he has because he is cute as a button. You probably all think I’m crazy, but watching a cute guy sleeping occasionally thickens the blood.

So Saturday I had to finish the service leaflet for Back to Church Sunday at St. Anne’s, go to yoga class as I hadn’t been able to go last Wednesday, and get myself spiritually ready for the service. I shall have to buy a duplex printer; printing on double sided paper is a real pain if you don’t have one, believe me. But I coped. The yoga class was good; I seem to be doing better each time I do it, and it makes me feel pretty good. The other guys who take it are also treats for the eyes, so that helps. HWMBO cooked Singapore laksa for dinner, with chicken. However, the prawn paste was pretty strong, so I ate one helping and declined further helpings, which makes me feel sad. I so want to eat HWMBO’s lovely cooking, but the prawn taste was so strong that I just couldn’t bring myself to eat any more.

The service at St. Anne’s today was OK, nothing special. There were a few newcomers there, but only a few. My sermon will be in my next post–I read the reading set for today (Lazarus and the Rich Man) and just wondered what genius decided that having a Sunday where people who hadn’t been to church in a while or at all would be appropriate to hold on a Sunday where a very depressing and difficult Gospel reading is set. I therefore ignored the Gospel (which was the only reading St. Anne’s had) and preached on light, which I thought would be a bit more cheerful. I used the “who would light a lamp and put it under a bushel basket” reading as the beginning “Word from Scripture”, so in a way I did preach on a reading. However, as usual the microphone didn’t work right (they control it from the back and never switch it on in time to catch your first few words…) and the general feeling of incompetence they exude was there, in spades. The fellowship was good and I enjoyed that; at the very end, after the final hymn, I proclaimed the Peace (which was not in the service proper) and asked everyone to exchange peace with their neighbours. The highlight was ‘s rendition of a hymn “To Worship Rightly”, which was well-received and well-done. Thanks to him for a great performance.

Once I got home and decompressed HWMBO and I decided to go to the Jerwood Space to see a drawing competition show–I thought it was very good but I do wish that people who do video/animation pieces would put the timing on the information card so I can judge whether I should watch it all the way through or not. Then we walked to the National Film Theatre (now called the BFI) and got tickets to “Syndromes and a Century” for free, as I’m a member and get a card entitling me to two free tickets (once) and buy one get one free (once), so we used the first one. So we saw it for nothing.

While we were waiting for the cinema to open, we went to the Film Caf

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