This morning’s pain in the ass

Woke up about 5:30 to make a rest stop, and no sooner had I gotten back to bed than the burglar alarm at St. Matthew’s went off. As with everything at 5:30 am, it took a few moments for me to realise that it was the burglar alarm. I got up, took my keys, and went over to investigate.

After looking through the building and finding no intruders, I looked at the alarm panel and discovered that there was a “Fault”, nature unspecified. I thought that it might be the fuse, so came back home and got a new one. Replacing the fuse did nothing, though. I then got the bright idea that the circuit breaker might have popped, and went around to the boiler room, where the circuit breakers live. Sure enough, the circuit breaker had popped, and resetting it stopped the alarm, doubtless to the eternal gratitude of the neighbours.

Of course, sleep was now impossible, even though I tried.

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