My tweets

  • 10:13 @davidrowell : i suppose someone might have materialised in the jetway and evaded the first check? airport security is so tight and yet lax! #
  • 10:18 morning tweeters. over the worst of the norovirus (if that’s what it was) but still a bit wiped-out. more easy-chair sitting, i think. #
  • 14:21 @urbanbohemian : a chum interviewed every year to get a raise. One year they told her: sorry to see you go & she left against her will. #
  • 14:22 having fun with NoteWorthy Composer…better than working. #
  • 15:52 @urbanbohemian : if you don’t emulate her and thus don’t do it every year you’ll be fine. They got tired of the annuality of it. #
  • 17:13 @besskeloid : took me a while to get the context of that…Twitter! Context-free communication at its best! #
  • 22:44 @MrPandaBehr : thanks, am feeling a bit better. HWMBO’s birthday is tomorrow so I need to perk up (or be perky, or something like that…) #
  • 22:44 @MrPandaBehr : i’ll light a candle for your grades… #
  • 22:46 @urbanbohemian : the squick factor of imagining random sex faces is nearly as bad as imagining parent sex. #
  • 22:49 @urbanbohemian : as WC Fields said, “Drown in a vat of whiskey? Death, where is thy sting?” #
  • 22:50 about to retire for the evening, now that my Sunday sermon has sprung full-blown from my brain! The Gal who Cain’t say no! #
  • 00:04 @urbanbohemian : think of dick cheney having an orgasm…that should cure you of imagining such things! #

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