My tweets

  • 08:06 RT @helenroper: Waiting for a blood test. The nurse’s name is ‘Nurse Fear’. This May not end well… #
  • 08:20 Spoof New Zealand tourism ad: #
  • 08:30 @danbjorn …and when you do wield that axe, a whole new dept. full of blue-sky promisers will move in…that’s what salespeople are like… #
  • 12:59 RT @besskeloid: Nurse Fear? The first aider at my junior school was called Mrs. Killer. #
  • 19:56 @BrianHeys i have lots of bookmarks too. i started out at the bottom and moved to the top and got rid of lots of them…go on, you can do it #
  • 19:59 RT @AJHab: Today’s Fun Story: Instructor puts sticky note on laptop monitor over part of text she didn’t want to show via the *projector*! #
  • 20:00 @ricky_martin i mostly buy through iTunes. It’s very convenient. occasionally buy a CD but not often. #
  • 20:04 @bengoldacre said no to a chugger while waiting outside Goodge St Sta last week and got a tongue-lashing for my pains. I couldn’t escape. #
  • 20:09 @BrianHeys Every journey starts with a single click… #
  • 22:35 off to the Land of Nod. Play nice, now. #

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