Today’s joke, courtesy <lj user=”tim1965″>

Little Johnnie came home one day, and his dad told him that his mother had given birth to a new baby girl! “But,” his dad said, “your new sister has been born without ears. This is very upsetting to your mother, so not a word about it, OK?”

Little Johnnie agreed.

His dad then took Little Johnnie to the hospital. The nurse brought out the baby, and Little Johnnie’s mother showed the newborn to him.

“Wow,” said Little Johnnie. “What a beautiful face! What a beautiful nose! What a beautiful mouth! What a handsome chin! What rosy cheeks! What nice hair!”

“Is that all you’ve got to say,” Little Johnnie’s mother asked.

Little Johnnie thought a bit, and then said, “Well, are her eyes okay? Can she see all right?”

Little Johnnie’s mother said, quite astonished, “Why, yes. She can see just fine. Why do you ask, Little Johnnie?”

“Because if she’s fucked if she has to wear glasses,” he said.

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