Stalked? And blocked!

I was responding to a LinkedIn connection request when I ended up on my home page. LinkedIn will tell you how many people have looked at your profile in the last umpty-ump days and lists in general who they were. So, I idly clicked on that link, and discovered that it’s quite likely that my ex-bf, who now lives in Melbourne, Australia, has been peeking at my LinkedIn profile.

This doesn’t bother me that much, as I’ve looked at his, and found him in various other places on the ‘net (such as Facebook). It’s amazing how he has mostly disappeared from the ‘net since 1997. The one picture I’ve seen of him is either very unflattering or he’s enjoying his pavlovas a bit too much.

A twat on Twitter (Twait?) whom I followed because he looked mildly interesting and was followed by some other tweeters I read sent me back a very rude message saying that I should unfollow him or he’d block me and delete me. I was somewhat annoyed. I regularly block people who follow me who are spammers or who tweet too much drivel, and I assume that others who find my tweets annoying or uninteresting will do the same to me. So, twat, why didn’t you just block me? I’ll be sending London Stabbie across the pond after you if you don’t shape up. Rudeness online isn’t becoming, not in the least.

3 Responses to “Stalked? And blocked!”

  1. hickbear says:

    I hope you get email notification of replies. I’ve deleted the body of my original reply, because I just saw that there’s the potential for drama to be created in your LJ. One of the folks to whom I referred is on your friendslist, and I don’t want to cause you any troubles.

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    Yes, I saw the original replies, thanks. I can deal with drama in LJ. A while back someone who followed me in LJ made an obnoxious comment in one of my posts. I deleted it and told him that I wasn’t happy with his comment appearing in my LJ. He wrote back accusing me of censorship. It escalated (on his side), and I just decided to unfriend him and block him from commenting. Censorship, of course, can only be committed by a government or on behalf of one. Oh well.

  3. cubziz says:

    Twitter is one of those public forums that I don’t bother caring who follows me. I’ll block someone if they spam me but otherwise, all my posts are public so I don’t really care.

    Blocking someone works, unless they logout and just browse to their twitter without being logged in, in which case they aren’t blocked anymore. 😛