I’ve voted already

One of the advantages to being overseas permanently is that you get the thrill of voting long before November. I got my California absentee ballot last Saturday and have voted for: Kerry/Edwards, Barbara Boxer, and Nancy Pelosi (Overseas US voters get to vote from the last place they lived in the United States). I sent it in, but hope that the Royal Mail gets it right this time. California ballot envelopes have the voter’s address on the back along with a lot of other bumpf, and the last two elections Royal Mail delivered the ballot right back to me, even though the stamps were on the other side.

This time I wrote a big “FROM:” on the back, and a big “TO:” on the front.

However, I expect that, yet again, Royal Mail will drop it back in my mailbox this week, giving me a lot of time to put it the envelope in another envelope without all the bumpf on it and remail it, losing all the postage I put on it in the beginning (for even though they can’t deliver the post to the address on the same side as the stamps, they helpfully cancel the stamps before they turn the envelope over to drop it in my mailbox).

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