Happy New Year, and a couple of dreams…

Happy New Year to everyone!

I’ve had a couple of odd dreams lately. The first one was one of a type that many Brits (and other people whose Head of State is HM the Q) seem to report having. HWMBO and I were giving part of my old stamp collection to the Queen. The stamps were very ornate; certainly not part of my former collection, most of which was stolen when I was a child. The Queen was very gracious, and then, in return, asked us to take out the trash. We of course first had to find the skip. The dream ended as we searched Windsor for it.

I’m told that lots of people dream about having the Queen to tea. The one time it happened to someone for real, the Queen, in her blue dress and hat, perched on a dining room chair nervously holding her teacup, looked like she was about to be poisoned. The experiment hasn’t been repeated. It was one of that long line of publicity stunts aimed at making the Queen seem more human to the public. I almost said “to her subjects” but as I am always correcting people, we are no longer subjects of HM the Q. We are British citizens.

The second one had to do with my job. For some reason a lot of the sales department was relocated to an upper floor (since the company I used to work for and am now consulting at is actually on the top floor, it was an obvious dream!) and I had to do up there to meet with one of the honchos. The floor was huge when I got up there on the elevator, and as I walked around there was food on almost every desk and table in the place. I finally saw the guy I was to meet, but before I could go into the meeting, I saw HWMBO, with his yellow rubber gloves on, washing up the dishes in the sink. We decided to leave. And that’s where I woke up.

I don’t often remember dreams, but these two were wacky enough I guess so that I could remember them. But as to what they mean, I haven’t a clue.

4 Responses to “Happy New Year, and a couple of dreams…”

  1. rfmcdpei says:

    There’s a Pet Shop Boys song about the Queen and tea, y’know.

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    I don’t listen to much of that kind of music so I wasn’t aware of it and am only dimly aware of the Pet Shop Boys.

  3. markatsea says:

    just identifies the fact that British people are just downright strange. LOL
    Just kidding, Happy New Years, stop eating bangers and mash after midnight and these kinds of dreams won’t happen.

  4. chrishansenhome says:

    I always thought it had something to do with cheese, myself. I haven’t had bangers and mash for a few months. My homemade is delectable.

    BTW, I see that there are quite a few people who have named their school in LJ as “St. John’s Prep”. You probably know some of them, but you aren’t on the list. There are at least two openly-gay men on that list.