I have promised two pictures…

…so here they are. The first one is our stuffed animal collection, on the bed waiting for us to put the pillows back on. Aren’t they cute? The one to the extreme right is the Columbia Lion, and there’s a Winnie the Pooh, a Paddington Bear, a duck, several dogs, a lobster, and a panda bear who is HWMBO’s special favourite. HWMBO doesn’t like the lobster very much, and once managed to get the lobster entangled in our sheets in the washer, leaving it a bit…um…bedraggled. The lobster is the red blob just to the left of centre. Click on this link to see a larger photo.

The second one is me. You’ll note I’ve changed my userpic, as I think the self-tied bow tie is probably worth memorialising.

I hope these have now discharged my picture obligations.

15 Responses to “I have promised two pictures…”

  1. rsc says:

    Naughty Chris. Images that wide belong behind a cut.

    has a picture somewhere (an unintelligibly small version appears as one of his icons on occasion) of our entire, um, household, which has yours outnumbered by a considerable margin. (I count 18 in your photo; our attendance sheet has 51 names, although these are distributed among 49 rows, since three of them are (literally) inseparable.)

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    So sue me; I’ve changed it to a somewhat narrower picture to keep everyone happy.

    We are finding that we have run out of room mostly so we probably won’t be getting many more or, if we do, we’ll be putting them elsewhere.

  3. rsc says:

    “Run out of room”, I know about. Our people are generally distributed about the house, but there’s a rule (and if we were to break this rule, we’d never hear the end of it) that they must all be allowed to occupy the bed our first night in Gloucester after they’ve all moved there in the spring, our last night in Gloucester before they all move to Cambridge in the fall, and the night following the last-named, i.e., the first night back in Cambridge. (Notice that there’s an asymmetry here, because they don’t all move to Gloucester at once.)
    On these nights, there really isn’t quite room for us big folks.

  4. rsc says:

    I’ve changed it to a somewhat narrower picture


  5. trawnapanda says:

    I’ve changed it to a somewhat narrower picture

    I wondered what Robert was gittering on about

  6. trawnapanda says:

    and a panda bear who is HWMBO’s special favourite.

    well of course the panda is a special favourite. it is meet and right so to be.

  7. vasilatos says:

    Chris, you look absolutely fantastic! That’s a bizarre but wonderfully attractive tie. Oh my oh my.

  8. chrishansenhome says:

    Bow ties are supposed to be kind of individualistic, in a strange way. A gaudy regular tie just makes the wearer look silly (a trainer I used to know blotted his copybook with me by wearing long Looney Tunes character ties with a black shirt) but a gay patterned bow tie just makes you look distinguished and stand out from the crowd.

    Black bow ties in regular use, however, make one look like a waiter.

  9. thoburn says:

    they r cute. esp the Paddington Bear

  10. kingbitch says:


  11. chrishansenhome says:

    Thanks–we love ’em all.

  12. chrishansenhome says:

    Well, thank you! I shall bring one next time I come to Singapore for your delectation…

  13. allan6628 says:

    Woo…. The ball tie is so cute !

  14. besskeloid says:

    If only you weren’t a married man…

  15. chrishansenhome says:

    Thank you.