Today’s Loony Local Government URL

What with and finishing up their trip to Kiwiland, I feel that no finer finale to their trip could be found than this link, showing the hijinks that local government gets up to in New Zealand when the taxpayers and voters do not exercise their right to throw the bums out before they waste taxpayers’ money.

2 Responses to “Today’s Loony Local Government URL”

  1. rsc says:

    Oh yeah, I saw that in some NZ newspaper last week sometime, and all i could think was “WTF?” Even the Cambridge City Council wouldn’t do something that

  2. pinkfish says:

    I can’t help but think that there is more to this story than we are seeing; nothing in this story gives any indication for why anyone would carry out such a charade. Are they setting a precedent? Maybe there was a hint in the last line where the contractors were hoping for a small settlement, based on this precedent. Of course, that would have made a lot more sense if the council had fined itself a large amount, to justify socking it to the contractors.