Today’s minor disaster

Got up this morning and discovered that a blister on my right big toe had burst. I find it difficult to understand why I have such trouble with my feet when I am here. Could it be that the heat makes them swell and that chafes in the shoes which fit perfectly in the UK? Anyway, bought some special blister plasters and will try to get some proper dressings while I’m in Shanghai. I’m certain that someone will be able to assist. I shall keep it clean and as dry as possible. If it’s still weeping when I get back, I shall see a doctor here and get some antibiotics as well as proper dressings.

Next time I come I shall take advice on good shoes to wear so that chafing will be kept to a minimum. I’ll probably look like an old man on his last legs, but I don’t care…I am so tired of my feet.

In other news: didn’t do much today. I went to Bishan shopping centre and had a MosBurger. For those not familiar with Singapore, MosBurger is a Japanese burger chain. Their burgers are small compared to McD’s and Burger King, but they are very tasty. I had that, small fries, and a diet Coke. Bought a book to read during lunch, and found it so riveting I came back home and finished it. The Interpretation of Murder by Jed Rubenfeld is a murder mystery set in 1909 New York, with Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and various other real people as part of the plot. Really good. , I’ll try to bring it back as I think it might be something you would like (although not a serious book).

This evening I met for dinner and a drink. He is so nice and sweet and funny that if I weren’t married to HWMBO, I’d propose immediately. He will be a great catch for someone as he’s not only good looking, but great company. We then went to Tantrics and I met for the first time. Also a sweetheart, and I’m so glad that I can meet all these people on my travels. Then home, packed, and now to bed.

One Response to “Today’s minor disaster”

  1. skibbley says:

    Glad to hear of your travels and hope niggles get less niggly. Book sounds interesting!