Today’s Romantic URL

…Marriage is a Biblical institution, according to this website. Be sure to click on “Home” to see the list of brides. I do hope this is a spoof…

7 Responses to “Today’s Romantic URL”

  1. roidsrage says:

    what would the chinese/indians/malay/non-christian do without the bible!

  2. alwaysroom4gelo says:

    That… is so… wrong.

    I can’t believe it. 14? 15? 16?

    Check out one of the testimonials:

  3. cuyahogarvr says:

    but I don’t think it’s a spoof.

  4. mouseworks says:

    I know of John Ordover from s.f. connections.

    Some of the girls looked the same, just in different poses.

  5. chrishansenhome says:

    That’s a relief. As you’ll note, some of the commenters thought it was real, and that was shaking my resolve.

  6. chrishansenhome says:

    Luckily, if you see ‘s comment below, you’ll be relieved to know that it indeed is a spoof.

  7. cuyahogarvr says:

    Oh, THANK GOD!