Dilemma solved

I just received a phone call from the brother involved, and he apologised for the joke he told. I wasn’t fishing for an apology when I emailed the senior brethren to mention it, but one of them took it upon himself to call the brother involved, give him my mobile number, and encourage him to apologise.

commented that he wasn’t as offended as I was at the joke. I think that the reason I was offended was indeed the fact that the stereotypical gay man was only important as the butt of the joke. Yes, many of us like to suck dick. However, reducing me and the likes of me to a mere fellatio-machine doesn’t make me feel very good. This is also true of misogynistic jokes.

After-dinner humour is enormously difficult to do without offense, but it can be done, and successful after-dinner speakers and toastmasters know how to make people laugh without offending them gratuitously.

So, we are on the square again, thank TGAOTU.

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