Today’s Romantic URL

May-December marriages are not too uncommon nowadays; HWMBO is 13 years my junior.

This May-December marriage is different: it’s May 1925 and December 1983.

Update: Dates changed to keep a certain ailuropod from dwelling in Squickia for too long.

4 Responses to “Today’s Romantic URL”

  1. trawnapanda says:

    1950 and 2006???

    with a one-year-old? now that would be eyebrow-raising, if not squicky.

    she was born in 1925, he was born in 1983.

    2006 : : shudder : :

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    I picked an arbitrarily long period of time simply for illustrative purposes. I couldn’t be arsed to actually figure out when they were both born: arithmetic is hard and I wanted to have lunch.

  3. spwebdesign says:

    I wonder what it says about me that I wouldn’t find this so squicksome if the octogenarian were male instead of female, regardless of the other party’s gender.

  4. trawnapanda says:

    thank you for the de-squicking; much appreciated.

    luncheon is nearly always a good idea.