Today’s Village People URL

But, of course, the village’s in Finland…

3 Responses to “Today’s Village People URL”

  1. trawnapanda says:

    … land where I long to beeee!

    (here’s the Monty Python version)

    ye CATS, how old is this deee-lightful clip? I’m going to be humming that ditty all afternoon, and chuckling the while. The hairdos! the dancing go-go boys! the singer’s dancing (move towards the camera – move back! now move towards!) Oh it’s all too – too – well, lets be honest, words fail me.

    oh my, what a delightful, fascinating (in a train-wreck kinda way) fillum.

  2. vernnyc says:

    Not the only village in the gay!

  3. chrishansenhome says:

    That takes the “Comment of the Month” award.