Todays Transit URL

will be of interest to a certain ailuropod in Toronto. Watch it to the end, now!

One Response to “Todays Transit URL”

  1. trawnapanda says:

    oh you shouldn’t have.

    no, really, you shouldn’t.

    actually, my tastes are so well known (and mocked) that yesterday evening I was sent the same URL by Kevin Vail. Ah, my friends are so kind to be thinking of me.

    And, yes, I had also found this item in the Washington Post – an article on P*eps Show II. There’s a related slideshow that shows the entries, and you can vote on them, including (9) the emerald city, (17) buttcrack, and (37) tribbles.

    actually, these are amusing, because they’re play-doh/plasticene, no-one is pretending the p*eps are edible.