Today’s Music Video

…comes from the Indian subcontinent. The lyrics are helpfully transcribed in the subtitles. But, one wonders, who the heck is Benny Lava? Thanks to for the heads-up.

4 Responses to “Today’s Music Video”

  1. trawnapanda says:

    oh now THAT’s a giggle, thank you. I’ll never be able to look at Bollywood singers and dancers the same way.

    Was it you who pointed me to the nearest Anglican equivalent?? amusing in its way, but so staid in comparison.

    I wanna be Benny Lava!

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    Was it you who pointed me to the nearest Anglican equivalent??

    Indeed it was.

  3. hickbear says:

    Well, crap-o-la. I went looking back thru your LJ for the staid, Anglican equivalent that was mentioned above by Our Panda, and stumbled across this post.

    This never showed up in my flist, or you would have received “first dibs” credits over on mine. In fact, the next thing I need to do is run over and edit my own posting of Benny Lava.

  4. chrishansenhome says:

    Oh, no problem. I’m happy to take second place…lj isn’t a race.