Today’s Pleasant Jaunt Video

If you don’t like heights, perhaps you might not want to look at this one. It’s “El Camino del Rey” and you may have to change your underwear after watching it.

6 Responses to “Today’s Pleasant Jaunt Video”

  1. trawnapanda says:

    very pretty. but there is absolutely no way on God’s green earth you’d catch me doing what the camera operator was doing. not at all. nothankyouverymuchnonono.

  2. besskeloid says:


    These things always have me wondering how they got those walkways built up there in the first place.

  3. phornax says:

    So I read that the local authorities didn’t bother closing it down until a few years ago. After dozens of people fell to their deaths. And, obviously, you can still sneak in.

    I know Amurrikans are over-litigious and overprotective to the point of stupidity, but this is very much the other side of the coin!

  4. smlee4 says:

    umm.. i saw the comments on this page.. i’ve something different to say..

    tat’s absolutely breathtaking!!! wonder how it feels to jump down from there..

  5. chrishansenhome says:

    Well, I suppose it’d be OK until you hit the ground. Around 40 people have been killed after falling from this track.

  6. smlee4 says:

    haha, i was just being naughty 🙂

    but, i really wish to try, jumping from there n getting into the water, although, right now, i think the pressure i accumulated before diving into the water will probably kill me..