A good reason not to go back to the US to live…

…is that many people in the US are clueless about almost everything.

Hello! {knock, knock!} There are no such people as wizards!

Thanks to for alerting me to this asshattery.

5 Responses to “A good reason not to go back to the US to live…”

  1. stealthpup says:

    How did the magic trick traumatize the kid?! Was he a pickophile? Was he feeling bad about suffering a witch to live?

  2. post_ecdysis says:

    I get the point, but I can’t garner much sympathy for a substitute teacher who is performing magic tricks instead of teaching math. The article seems to say “nudge nudge wink wink they WOULD say it was because he wasn’t following the lesson plans,” but that’s a fair cop no matter how the revelation is brought to the district’s attention.

    And THEN the yutz goes on to explain the trick, as if he needs to convince the world that he doesn’t actually have magic powers. So he is a discredit to both mathematicians AND magicians.

  3. celloboi says:

    too much harry potter.. They need to come and study at England. 😛

  4. chrishansenhome says:

    A discredit he may be, but the point is that referring to “wizards” in any way that implies that they actually exist proves the silliness of the complainant.

    I don’t think he should take up magic as a profession, either.

  5. chrishansenhome says:

    Too much evangelical Christianity, more likely.