A Buddhist perspective on homosexuality

comes from this Buddhist monk in Singapore, courtesy of . A sad story at the end reinforces the thought that, no matter to whom we are giving advice, or what the subject of the advice is, it’s vital to be kind, thoughtful, and primum, non nocere.

3 Responses to “A Buddhist perspective on homosexuality”

  1. vasilatos says:

    Thank you! What a thoughtful guy.

  2. mrpandabehr says:

    Thank you so much for this story. I was always curious about Buddhisms view on homosexuality. Its good to know that there is a religion out there that cares about homosexuals.

  3. chrishansenhome says:

    I believe there is a spectrum of views about homosexuality in Buddhism, just as there is in Christianity and Judaism. There is a much smaller spectrum in Islam, I believe. So this view, while it might be more congenial to us, is not necessarily the mainstream view.

    I prefer to look on it as one Buddhist’s view, with which I heartily concur.