Today’s Happy Ending URL

Many of you will know that the writer Jan Morris was originally James Morris. He divorced his wife in 1972 and then had a sex change. However, they continued to live together in Wales, and have now been cohabiting for 58 years.

So this week, on a BBC book program, Jan Morris announced that she was making an honest woman of her former wife. They were joined in a civil union last week.

Now that is the heartwarmingest story of the day.

2 Responses to “Today’s Happy Ending URL”

  1. ptownnyc says:

    Thanks for sharing this – Jan Morris is one of my top 5 favorite writers!

  2. spwebdesign says:

    When I first read that I thought, ‘What??? The famous operatic bass-baritone had a sex change operation??? When? How could I not have heard this before?’ But then I realized it must be some other James Morris I’d never heard of. (Not sure I’d heard of Jan either.)