Will someone rid me of this troublesome priest?

So might Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, say about the Rev. Michael Pfleger, who has associated himself with Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. Whispers in the Loggia, probably the pre-eminent Roman Catholic blogger in the United States if not the world, has a long story and comment on the situation. It boils down to Cardinal George asking Father Pfleger to take a short (3 week) leave of absence to reflect on the controversy and how to dampen it down. Pfleger is a long-time activist in the poor neighbourhood of Chicago in which he works, and is a self-admitted thorn in the side of every archbishop of Chicago he meets. But the key to the mystery is this: he has been pastor of St. Sabina’s Parish since 1981. That’s 27 years, folks.

People may say that term-limits for priests serving in parishes (and I do not exclude Anglican parishes from this) are unfair. However, having a priest serve in one parish for 27 years is unhealthy for the priest, unhealthy for the parish, and can cause a lot of upset in the diocese.

Fr. Pfleger is only 57 years old, He has 18 years of active service in the ministry before he must retire. He should move to another parish and concentrate on helping his new flock to become closer to God. His current parish is rumbling about protests against his leaving. He should quickly ask people to accept that he will not be there forever and to help him and his successor, rather than become angry about a possible reassignment.

There may be trouble ahead…

8 Responses to “Will someone rid me of this troublesome priest?”

  1. cuyahogarvr says:

    As a reformed cradle RC, I am furious at this man for calling himself a RC priest and representing his church in such a bigoted display. IMHO, one of the major problems facing the RC Church is that it has not dealt with these kind of people and continues to protect those who have used and abused their congregations in the name of “religion”.

    Fire his A**!

  2. obsidianbear says:

    Black Catholics in Chicago love, love, love them some Pfleger. So his departure truly would upset that group greatly. I’ve been to at least two events, years ago, where Obama and any other VIP has bowed in awe of Pfleger, so I must say at least locally, he is a very powerful force. As the pro-Black white guy, he has a lot of power here.

  3. chrishansenhome says:

    Problem is, he seems to have been there too long and I’ll bet the parish is suffering from that. He needs to move. If you were in the same job for 30 years, you’d be pretty burned out. He’d probably perk up a bit if he were moved to. And not to St. Swithun’s in the Marsh out in Fox River or some place like that. But a different parish in Chicago.

  4. spwebdesign says:

    We’re facing a similar situation at English Martyrs. All three priests in residence there are being re-assigned, one to East Finchley, one to York, and the one I like most to Zimbabwe. I’ve heard grumblings about petitions and protests, but such would just make the situation more difficult than it need be.

  5. obsidianbear says:


    I’m only sending this update ‘cuz Black Chicagoan Catholics love them some Pfleger. He’s back ‘cuz he has that much power.

  6. chrishansenhome says:

    I had seen that item somewhere else. He is doing the parish a disservice by not moving on. Once he does move on, or is moved on (even if by the Grim Reaper) the parish will be crippled for years as the new pastor will not be thought to measure up, in all probability.

  7. obsidianbear says:

    Did they speak about flock demographics when you trained? Father P. is so many ways is considered quasi-Black. And my guess is that there’s no other priest who gives sermon in that Black-sounding style to replace him. I get the sense that a priest in Iowa or Minnesota could easily move on, but Pfleger’s absence would be all that many Black Catholics would need in the Chi to start going to Black Protestant churches. Perhaps Pfleger could train a new priest to speak in the way that he does. Or maybe a new priest could take an intensive study of Black Catholics before they took his position.

  8. chrishansenhome says:

    Perhaps they could find a Black priest? I believe there are some kicking around.