Are you a slave to e-mail?

…like me? Read this article about some alternatives/ It’s the New York Times, so may require login (I’m not sure any more…)

2 Responses to “Are you a slave to e-mail?”

  1. tim1965 says:

    I read this article, too, and in the first couple of paragraphs, I thought, “Wow, good!” And then I realized what a unique situation that guy was in: Incredibly isolated geographically from his colleagues and work-mates, in dramatically different time zones, and in a job which requires the use of social networking sites.

    I’m flooded with email at work (even though we only have 11 people in our office!). Throwing up a wiki on our intranet (assuming we had or needed one) isn’t going to solve my problems.

    I was largely disappointed by the piece in the end. I admit, it’s a valuable thought-piece for people in his position or who have to coordinate large numbers of people. Just not for me (sadly).

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    Oh, well, at least you know it now. I think that more and more people will be in situations like his in the future so that may be a very good thing for them. I cope well with e-mail as I make an instant decision as to whether I should bin it, respond to it, or file it away. That works for me. I’m not convinced that Twittering at work will be very useful or popular…