This year’s holidays

I now have dates for our holidays this year:

I shall be in Massachusetts from 11-19th of September, and HWMBO and I will be in Singapore from 17 October until 3 November. arriving back in London 4 November.

I would like to spend a few days in New York or maybe in Washington DC, but don’t know whether I can do that. I would actually like to travel down there 1st class on Amtrak and back.

In Singapore we will probably take one side trip somewhere (I know not where).

Next year: Australia!!!

5 Responses to “This year’s holidays”

  1. smlee4 says:

    see u in singapore!

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    Hopefully. Then we can act out all these things we’ve been Super Poking each other about 😉

  3. smlee4 says:


  4. chrishansenhome says:

    Don’t laugh–I’m serious! 😉

  5. smlee4 says:

    heheh… 🙂 shall see abt that 😛