
reminds me that I took some pictures of us in Marblehead and I hadn’t posted them. Profuse apologies, and here they are:

The Old Town House was “City Hall” for Marblehead until the 1880’s. It was the police station until the 1960’s. and I walked around town for what seemed hours, and I took a picture of her in front of the Old Town House steps (no equal access laws back then!).

insisted that would not believe that we had indeed met unless there was a group picture. We tried many times, and this one was the best out of them–I’m crap at taking pictures at arm’s length. I think it’s a talent confined to the young, who are always taking pictures of each other with their mobile phones. Anyway, we were indeed together and this is the proof!

5 Responses to “Apologies”

  1. rsc says:

    That’s a nice shot of the two of you. It looks rather as if you both were intently trying to figure out something in the middle distance.

  2. runecircle says:

    momshapedbox is the best nick, ever.

  3. boyshapedbox says:

    that’s the truth 🙂

  4. chrishansenhome says:

    Oh, absolutely! I can safely say that I enjoyed our day together tremendously and hope to repeat it sometime in the future. And you are one lucky to have . Long may you both wave!

  5. chrishansenhome says:

    We were–we were trying to figure out how to get a decent picture from that *”