Photos from Singapore

I have actually taken some photos this week, and now that I’ve discovered I can get them uploaded and put into my blog through Flickr (I normally upload them to my website but that’s not possible at the moment for various reasons I won’t bore you with), here are some selected photos.

First, . What a handsome man!

While we were looking for a restaurant at Bugis Junction, we came across this particular place that seems to cater to tourists, of which there are not an insignificant number in the centre of town. I got my picture taken.

You may remember the cheesy pod picture that the Singapore Flyer staff took of our party before we actually got on the wheel? Well, here is a picture of the picture, a bit blurry, but you can see the general idea.

And when we were actually in the pod, I gook a picture of Nein and one of his fathers, Joe. Joe is holding up the “circular map” of Singapore that you can look at during your “flight” which tells you what everything you can (or can’t) see is. But, it looks a little bit like he is recognising Nein as the little angel that he is.

In the background are Louie and Leslie, our great friends here, who are just lovely people.

3 Responses to “Photos from Singapore”

  1. gmjambear says:

    Reminds me of the London Eye. Any idea which was built first?

  2. besskeloid says:

    That cutout of Obama gives him a kind of Lurch-like pallor.

  3. chrishansenhome says:

    London Eye was first. Flyer was second. Now they’re building a bigger one than Singapore Flyer in Shanghai.