My tweets

  • 04:01 CNN calls it: Obama is elected President of the United States. #
  • 04:02 So why am I crying? #
  • 09:14 @MrPandaBehr : the hologram reminds me of Isaac Asimov’s writings on Solaria and how they lived without physical presence thru holograms #
  • 09:15 i am now up again, fuelled by coffee, still very exhiliarated. sad about prop 8 tho… #
  • 22:34 nighty-night tweeters. Prop 8 is the law of California, but the Yes on 8 people do not know what they have sown. Yet. #

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One Response to “My tweets”

  1. spwebdesign says:

    So why am I crying?

    Because you didn’t want to be the only one who wasn’t?