It’s always the way

After ‘s post about bourbon yesterday, I was moved to have some Elmer T. Lee bourbon. So, as Alistair Cooke used to say, “The most melodious sound in the world is ice clinking into a glass at 4 pm” and the Elmer T Lee was poured. I went into the living room, sat down, and prepared to enjoy.

The phone rang. It was an interviewer. Her telephone connection (perhaps the fact she was calling from some Gawd-forsaken place where furrin languages are spoken and her accent was heavy) was bad and the background noise in the interviewing room was pretty loud. I had to ask her to repeat herself regularly. All this time the Elmer T Lee was sitting in the living room and being diluted by the ice.

It took me 5 minutes to get back to my drink. Interviewer, nothing personal, but I don’t like you.

2 Responses to “It’s always the way”

  1. trawnapanda says:

    why did you tolerate it that long?

    “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. goodbye”

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    I’m a former market researcher, and breaking off an interview is something that goes against the grain for me, especially since the interview was about products and services that I might be asked to try out for free…however, I don’t think I qualified for any of them. 🙁