Today’s Sanitary URL

We have been having a few problems in the powder room downstairs—it does not always completely dispose of the contents thereof. This is embarrassing (although not as embarrassing as when the pipe in back would without warning give way and flood the floor).

The video below is of a toilet of which I can only dream. After seeing the video, however, I do think there were probably some raised eyebrows at the sewerage plant.

5 Responses to “Today’s Sanitary URL”

  1. spwebdesign says:

    What I want to know is how it handles sludge that sticks to the side. I certainly don’t plan on ever dumping perfectly good food or playthings down the toilet!

  2. trawnapanda says:

    when I went a-looking at 14:00 Eastern time, “we’re sorry , this is no longer available”

    glad you liked the Canajun one (still available)

    speaking of toilets, did I point you to this one? More commentary on the toilet seat than the plumbing, but I thought it was amusing.

  3. chrishansenhome says:

    It must be something in the Great White North. It works OK for me…

  4. mrpandabehr says:

    That toilet is the sh*t! I want one.

    This was really fun to watch. It reminds me of those Will It Blend videos. I bet if they did something like that with this toilet it will be famous.

    Can it flush 10 Blackberry smartphones? Hmmm.

  5. chrishansenhome says:

    Perhaps if you combined the Will It Blend videos with the toilet videos, it would be OK.

    First, will it blend?

    Second, will it flush?