My tweets

  • 09:20 @jonk if u come to london you must have dinner or drinks with HWMBO and me. I insist. #
  • 09:26 @kevjumba is the best ad I’ve seen in years. Hope you can see it (it’s a UK ad) #
  • 09:35 @jallen285 probably just pandering to USan expectations in re green everything. If you really want to see him turn green, offer him US beer. #
  • 09:36 @jenny8lee try wholewheat hot cross buns if you want to eat something good for you but awful-tasting. #
  • 09:43 @seashellseller i can say “triduum” aloud. There. I just did. TRIH-doo-‘m (‘ is a schwa). I knew my Latin & Greek degree would come in handy #
  • 09:46 @tug i suspect that “police” means that he’s a medic for police, not for protesters. #
  • 09:48 @devinjay well, yeah, but old jokes are the best. the only new dirty jokes are the ones about viagra. #
  • 11:23 @tug of course not. i was just sayin’… #
  • 11:24 @mhisham i hope that they fix you up soon and get you going again… #
  • 14:05 Today’s pet, Peeve: “floor” vs. “ground”: #
  • 14:18 @MrPandaBehr have a good flight. hope your luggage hasn’t fallen into the Black Hole of JetBlue… #
  • 14:47 Anti-Terror Billboard–my take: #
  • 14:48 @helenroper i didn’t think i did well but i passed. i’ll think good thoughts your way. do you get a free resit if you don’t pass? #
  • 15:12 @tug perhaps the second autopsy will be able to tell us more about his alcohol levels… #
  • 15:13 @tug but, of course, alcohol or no, that does not excuse what the police officer did. #
  • 15:25 @tug yes. police violence against people who are impaired happens all the time. #
  • 15:26 @tug and it’s very very bad when it happens and the police are almost never brought to justice for it. #
  • 16:06 RT @jenny8lee: breaking: coast guard says a humpback whale has been spotted in new york harbor north of the verrazano bridge. writing fo … #
  • 16:08 @jonk clients are crap. sorry you’ve been lumbered with one. hope it sorts itself out. #
  • 16:26 @MrPandaBehr congratulations! what a relief! eat hearty and say “hi” to your dad for me. #
  • 16:40 msn has gone blooey on me…oddly enough. everything else is working. #
  • 16:43 RT @jenny8lee: TX lawmaker: Asians should change their names to make them easier for Americans to deal with. #
  • 16:47 @besskeloid oh, congratulations and all that! many many happy returns of the day. #
  • 17:16 more on air ambulance tweet yesterday: cyclist dies in Elephant road accident: #
  • 18:17 @jmspool UK “pants” = US “underwear” #

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One Response to “My tweets”

  1. spwebdesign says:

    I was wondering what those flowers at the roundabout were for.