iPhone update

I have successfully synched my iPhone contacts list and some of my calendar entries from Google. This is a great relief, although it looks like lots of my calendar entries (for various Google reasons beyond my ken) have not made it over. So I shall be transferring them tomorrow from the BlackBerry manually.

I am getting the hang of the keyboard. I have most trouble with m/n and i/o/p, it seems. More practice is necessary. Otherwise, I like the onscreen keyboard and it seems to work well (and pretty fast) for me.

Not so happy with predictive texting. I was trying to write “St Mary’s” in a calendar entry and all I was getting was “As Mary’s”. Figured out how to get rid of particular predictive text entries on screen so that’s not now a problem.

I have deliberately not used the manual. While as a support person I was always saying “RTFM” (Read that fine manual) and thinking “RTFM” (read the f**king manual) I decided that, if the iPhone interface was as intuitive as has been noised around, I should be able to figure it out for myself after seeing do it. I got the enlarging web pages by drawing two fingers apart intuitively, it seems. Just came naturally. Quite odd, really.

So, more work tomorrow. Still no PAC numbers. HWMBO and I keep getting phone calls from Vodafone. He refers them to me, and when they call me, they don’t say anything or I can’t hear what they’re saying (got one tonight like that). I’d better get those numbers soon.

5 Responses to “iPhone update”

  1. misc_negro says:

    the iphone is freaking amazing i tell ya

  2. spwebdesign says:

    Something I hadn’t thought till now, since I’m in the process of writing you an e-mail: Is your e-mail address changing?

  3. chrishansenhome says:

    Well, I am still getting the emails, but I am pretty certain that after April 30, the btinternet.com address will be no more.

    I will reply to that email from my new address (which is really easy to remember) and hopefully you will be able to change it on your contact list.

  4. chrishansenhome says:

    Yes, darmn straight it is. Don’t know how I manaaged with a BlackBerry all these years.

  5. mrpandabehr says:

    To help with the typing of words you may want to create an iPhone dictionary contact (more information here). The LJ entry also has links to some great advanced user tips.

    Another way of zooming in is to double tap. Works great on webpages with lots of sections of print. It zooms to and auto centers it. ^_^

    Since your contact information is changing and you’re letting people know. You may want to get the app FreeContact, which allows you to send a vCard from your iPhone contacts to anyone via email.

    So you know, you have to power down the iPhone every now and then (I do it every 3 to 7 days). If not, it sometimes acts weird (apps crash or just sluggish). Definitely power down (for at least a full minute) when the iPhone acts up since it usually solves most problems.

    I don’t have a netbook, but I pretty much call my iPhone my netbook since it’s equivalent to a computer 5 years ago.

    I’m glad that you’re have a good time with your iPhone.