Today’s Masonic URL

A Freemason from the United States who is stationed in Afghanistan writes an occasional blog entry. Today’s entry is particularly interesting to me, as he talks about some aspects of Afghan life that we don’t often read or hear about here in the West. Do read it.

3 Responses to “Today’s Masonic URL”

  1. enthuz says:

    this is totally random, but i used to read in “the adept” series of books about freemasonry having some linkages to the supernatural. i’m not quite sure if this is true.

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    Some people make such links. The Freemasonry to which I belong is not connected to anything supernatural of which I am aware. It concentrates on helping men to become better people.

  3. enthuz says:

    i see. well, it IS a fictional series. so i guess it’s just as well that the reality does not have such associations. at least not apparently.