
I’ve had a reasonable day today. While I don’t care for wearing the boot, it seems to be doing its job. I’m hoping that by the time HWMBO’s holiday to Singapore and my weekend in Manchester (25-28 September) I won’t have to use it.

I decided to make a stew today, and by golly, it was the best stew I’ve ever cooked, I think.

Mother Hansen’s Beef Stew

1-1/2 lbs of stew beef,
three large potatoes,
a turnip (rutabaga, swede, call it what you will),
about 10 medium carrots,
three onions diced and two whole,
four stalks of celery diced,
two capsicum peppers diced,
1/2 head of garlic, minced,
a container of button mushrooms, whole,
4 tbsp barley,
a can of lima/broad beans, drained.
1 pint bottle/can of indifferent beer
salt, pepper, basil, oregano, concentrated liquid beef stock, tabasco


6 Responses to “Today”

  1. misc_negro says:

    As soon as the temp drops over here. Im making that.
    its 97 today but feels like 100 with the Heat Index…. way to hot for stew but damn that sounds nice.

  2. trawnapanda says:

    my understanding is that turnip is white(ish) and swede is yellow(ish).

    have fun in Liverpool – I look forward to a report on the cathedrals

  3. chrishansenhome says:

    I would love for it to hit 100 one day this summer over here. Just one day. It’s been coolish in the day and coldish at night.

    I just leave the back door open, put out some peanuts for the squirrels, and the heat goes away.

    Hope it comes out well for you.

  4. chrishansenhome says:

    Turnips are white and about the size of beets, with a purplish top. Swedes are about the size of a softball and a half and are yellowish. This was a swede. Swedes are also called rutabagas, I believe.

    I will do my best to report on the cathedrals. As I won’t be there for divine services, probably, no Mystery Worshiper report.

  5. chrishansenhome says:

    Oh, note that I didn’t refer to the beans, mushrooms, garlic, or barley in the “method” part of the recipe. I’ve added them now. So if you printed the earlier recipe, and you find you’ve got some garlic, a can’s-worth of beans, button mushrooms, and some barley left over, refer back to the revised recipe! Sorry about that!

  6. misc_negro says:

    Ill have to mail it to myself again,
    you just dont care about the environment do you???
    Ive horribly ruined MILLIONS of electrons for your mistake…
    I will be fine, but the data, dear lord thing of the data next time.