My tweets

  • 08:01 @Liturgy So confession is like Liquid Plumr or Drano? 😉 #
  • 11:43 @jenny8lee most weddings in the UK have fruit cake with marzipan frosting. Inedible by me but others love it. #
  • 11:51 @soveren i hope you’re taking cholesterol medication if you want to eat that KFC… #
  • 12:47 @soveren ITYM “it’s to die from” b… #
  • 13:17 Today’s Sermon: #
  • 16:32 And me! RT @JoexEd: Me too! #
  • 19:27 @cemab4y prayed for you at mass this morning. will RT. will keep praying. #
  • 19:28 RT @cemab4y: I need prayers for myself and my wife. This is a difficult time for me. Any prayers you can offer, will be appreciated. Pls RT #
  • 19:36 dinner was leftover Chinese takeaway from y’day. Tomorrow: Chinatown with friends for lunch on Bank Holiday Monday. #
  • 20:00 Thanks to MadPriest, a heartwarming story of normality in South Africa: #
  • 20:01 @thoburn I thot that being bitchy was Requirement #1 for being a “door bitch”. A non-bitchy door bitch is no use at all… #
  • 20:01 @soveren you go out on a frozen lack, cut a hole in the ice, drag a shack over the hole, and fish through it. #
  • 20:02 @soveren lake, LAKE! Dammit, I can’t type anymore. #
  • 20:03 @soveren they do a lot of ice fishing in places like Minnesota. Not here–lakes rarely freeze over well enough here to do it. #
  • 20:04 @Naoij perhaps you ought to be playfully drinking… #
  • 20:21 @soveren i think that when you’re ice fishing and need to pee, into the hole it goes. i have never ice fished, so this is just conjecture. #
  • 21:36 @texasnate imagine how much you would have made if you HAD dropped your pants! #

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One Response to “My tweets”

  1. spwebdesign says:

    I think they need to rename “ice fishing” to “ice drinking,” for, according to ice “fishing” friends of mine, the extraction of fish is optional but the consumption of vodka is not.