A frustrating day

Last night my computer became somewhat unresponsive&#8212it would start working, then when I tried to do something, it would freeze up and I’d have to reboot. A lot of swearing later, I just went to bed.

I worked on it all today (with a job interview over the phone in between bouts of working) and finally think I’ve figured out what was causing it. I’m not sure, but things have been pretty much OK since I disabled a few services.

It’s now midnight 32 am and it’s time for bed. Foot clinic tomorrow.

5 Responses to “A frustrating day”

  1. kinkythepanda says:

    Lol, What platform are you using?

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    Windows Vista, of course. If it were Snow Leopard or Ubuntu, I would have gotten to sleep much earlier…

  3. kinkythepanda says:

    hahaha 😛

  4. misc_negro says:

    have you named your computer?
    Is it sensing fear or apprehension when you touch it?
    They know these things hahaha. I swear I never had computer problems until I learned to be afraid of them.

    I am very happy with Windows 7 I skipped vista and so far im recommending 7 to anybody with a PC

  5. chrishansenhome says:

    At that moment I was calling it G.. D… B…….. F…… S.. of a B…. . If I thought that naming it something soothing like Honey or Buttercup would make a difference, I would. Unfortunately, it’s always answered more quickly to the former appellation.

    When and if I get a job, I will be getting Windows 7. Until then, I’m stuck with Vista Ultimate.