From Twitter 04-06-2010

  • 11:59:36: The new Coadjutor Abp. of Los Angeles is an Opus Dei cleric (currently Abp of San Antonio TX). God help ’em.
  • 18:49:22: @GaySkyHooker i agree in ref to DentonPolice.

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2 Responses to “From Twitter 04-06-2010”

  1. trawnapanda says:

    The new Coadjutor Abp. of Los Angeles is an Opus Dei cleric

    as opposed to the incoming suffragan bishops of the Episcopal diocese of LA, both of whom [eek! call the church police!] have girl germs!!. And one of whom, I’m reliably informed, is a lesbeing. Such a contrast! looks as if the episcopalians definitely have more fun in LA.

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    There are about 5 million mackerel-snappers in the RC Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Apparently they may split some of them off yet again but it’ll still be over 4 million. Mostly Hispanic, thus the Hispanic Obispo.