Sermon for Low Sunday&#8212;Doubting Thomas <b>AGAIN</b>!

Every year right after Easter, the Vicar of St. John’s takes off (and who could blame him—Holy Week in an Anglo-Catholic parish is demanding) and asks me to preach. I thought I had escaped it this year, but he called on Tuesday and asked me to preach. Who could say no? Certainly not me. Of course, the Gospel for Low Sunday is always Doubting Thomas, and I’ve preached on this reading every year for many years. I thought I had run out of ideas, but I’ve found another one, yet again!

April 11, 2010 Low Sunday
Sermon delivered at St. John the Evangelist, 10 am.
First Reading: Acts 5:12-16; Ps. 117; Epistle: Revelation 1:9-13, 17-19; Gospel: John 20:19-31

The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

In the name of God, the one, the Undivided Trinity. AMEN.

One of the little-known but interesting facts about St. Thomas is that he is the patron saint of architects. As a matter of fact, that is almost the only thing that is known about him. Legend has it that Thomas was sent to India to build a palace for a king. Thus he is not only the patron of architects and builders but also the Apostle of India. Traditionally Thomas is depicted in stained glass windows and statues as holding a square

2 Responses to “Sermon for Low Sunday&#8212;Doubting Thomas <b>AGAIN</b>!”

  1. momshapedbox says:

    enjoyed your sermon.

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    Thank you! How are you feeling?