Good and bad news

Good news: I should be able to attend my Installation as Master of the Lodge on Wednesday.

Bad news: I will be admitted to Kings College Hospital tomorrow morning for a day and a half of IV antibiotics. I spent most of the day in the diabetic foot clinic (today I had a sandwich and a Diet Coke to eat and drink) and they wanted to admit me tonight but couldn’t find a bed. Tomorrow there will be a bed and they will fill me full of antibiotics to try to kill this bug that’s in my foot.

I may be readmitted on Thursday to continue the IVs but they are not sure.

I hope they aren’t fibbing to me and planning to keep me in on Wednesday against my will.

4 Responses to “Good and bad news”

  1. vasilatos says:

    Good luck!

  2. spwebdesign says:

    I don’t think I’ll be able to come visit, but I will keep you in my prayers. They better the hell let you attend your installation!

    Have your brother and friend been able to fly yet?

  3. momshapedbox says:

    I keep praying for you!!

  4. tim1965 says:

    Well, just two things:

    1) Bring a lunch and dinner! Geez louise…it’s like medieval prison, where you have to pay for your own food and drink! (Do they even supply water??)

    2) I say this is a good thing!! They finally seem to want to treat this infection (which they caused!) aggressively. Let’s say this works. You will be on the road to recovery!!!!!!!! Good news all around!!!

    Stay positive, and know that I’d be sitting in your bed with you reading story-books and making sure the nurses aren’t too scary. 🙂