
We all know that online translators have their limitations. They are good for short declarative expressions; they are not so good for more philosophical or unclear expressions.

Bad Translation is a site that allows you to test this. I decided to put two limericks in. Here’s what I got:

There once was a young man from Brent,
Whose cock was remarkably bent.
When he went to the trouble
He put it in double.
So instead of just coming, he went.

56 Translations Later: Young and burns show properly. Registering a company two years ago.

There once was a man from Madras,
Whose bollocks were made out of brass.
When they jangled together
They played stormy weather,
And lightning shot out of his ass.

56 Translations Later: Health of male teachers. Storm Rapidly from the hip

One Response to “Translation”

  1. jwg says:

    Ha ha. I like that one.