For <lj user=”trawnapanda”>&#8230

Many of you will have enjoyed Tom Lehrer’s Elements Song. Well, combine the Elements Song with Google Instant, which launched today, and you get this:

I think we will all enjoy it, but , being a professional chemist, is bound to enjoy it more than the rest of us will (unless we’re also chemists). Me, I never took Chemistry in high school, which is just as well.

2 Responses to “For <lj user=”trawnapanda”>&#8230”

  1. hickbear says:

    I have so incredibly shared this, both here and on the Book Of Face… 🙂

  2. trawnapanda says:

    thank you – you were the first of three (so far) to commend this to me. Life is exCEPtionally busy right now, it being the first week of term, and moi collecting a houseguest from the UK last night at Pearson Airport. He’s sleeping the sleep of the de-jet-lagging right now, so my laptop is muted; but I’m looking forward to checking this out sometime this afternoon when I have no students needing attention, and speakers I can turn on.