There will always be an England, Royal Department

The National Catholic Reporter, a generally liberal Roman Catholic newspaper published in the US but with a worldwide circulation via the Internet, published a column today by a professor named Eugene Cullen Kennedy. The column deals with the meeting between Queen Elizabeth II and Pope Benedict XVI. In this column was the paragraph:

For the queen, who once publicly admitted to having an anus horribilis — a really bad year — has seen the traditions of the royal family disrupted by more problems with love, estrangement, and loss than Shakespeare ever piled into a play. It is difficult for the queen to be a symbol of stability when she knows that her

2 Responses to “There will always be an England, Royal Department”

  1. skibbley says:


  2. gmjambear says:

    The anus/annus misspelling was corrected.
    I don’t think the Queen was amused.