Today’s Other Celebrity Obituary URL

We all know about the Crocodile Hunter’s death (stabbed by a sting ray: he now knows where Death’s sting is I suppose). But wait, there’s more!!! The King of Infomercials has passed away to that great Salad Spinner in the Sky.

3 Responses to “Today’s Other Celebrity Obituary URL”

  1. besskeloid says:

    You’d laugh at your own funeral, you would.

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    And why not? I would rather that close friends get together at my funeral and laugh with and at me than have ’em all be morose that I’m gone.

    Perhaps I’ll make a tape or something and have that played at the funeral. I might call it “Chris’s Last Laughs”.

    I’ve been to sad funerals, and I’ve been to happy humourous ones, and believe me, the second kind is much much better.

  3. besskeloid says:

    We cremated my grandad in 1997 & my mum in 2004, and the wakes for both were definitely in the second category. There needs to be more people with your spirit.