Thanks for the birthday present, America!

I woke up this morning to the welcome news that the Democrats have taken the House of Representatives and might take the Senate. I know that most Americans didn’t know that it is my birthday today, but the present is really great! My Representative will become the Speaker of the House.

“O frabjous day! Calloo, callay!” I chortle in my joy!

13 Responses to “Thanks for the birthday present, America!”

  1. gmjambear says:

    And according to the Order of Presidential Succession, she is two steps away from the President of the United States.

    How about that.

  2. keith_london says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Pelosi has given Bush a present too (a dubious one, perhaps) – “no impeachment”!

  3. chrishansenhome says:

    That’s a shame. I’m sure that when the full extent of his high crimes and misdemeanours becomes clear, she’ll reassess her position.

    If we’re lucky, Bush will be impeached and resign, Cheney will have a heart attack when he hears he’s President, and Nancy will step up to the White House.

    Improbable, but one can but hope.

    Just as in the United Kingdom, when government operates without an effective opposition, that government is bad government. Now the Republicans have an opposition–I hope that they make the most of their new position.

  4. keith_london says:

    I guess I don’t live in USA and so it looks entertaining from here. Take Cheney – I find him quite funny (on occassions) e.g shooting that lawyer, making rather good jokes about Kerry. And he does look the part – like he means business. 🙂

    Pelosi needs to be extra careful, when she sits as Speaker (next to the VP?) – but Bush too would have to watch his back, as she sits behind him! (if I understand the seating arrangement correctly).

  5. chrishansenhome says:

    Oh, I think that security at the State of the Union address (the only time that Pelosi has to sit with that viper and in back of the rattlesnake) is fairly tight. One Cabinet secretary always stays away (usually the most junior one) in case of attack or whatever, so that someone from the Government will be around to take over were something to happen.

    Cheney is an evil slimebucket: just look at how Halliburton, the company he once headed, has made billions from the Iraq and Afghan conflicts. When the full story about that finally comes out (and I’m sure that the House will start investigating shortly) he’ll be impeached and convicted without a dissenting vote. And then Bush will be fatally crippled, as Cheney stands in for the blob of useless jelly that Bush calls his brain.

    I am a yellow-dog Democrat, as we say in the United States: I’d vote for a yellow dog if he appeared on the ballot on the Democratic ticket.

    Oh, and of course I don’t live in the USA now either, but as a US citizen am entitled to hold opinions and vote in Federal elections.

  6. keith_london says:

    that viper and in back of the rattlesnake” — LOL I hadn’t thought of it like that! Pelosi the snake charmer (or snake slayer)! 🙂

  7. chrishansenhome says:

    I believe that the mongoose would be a very good snake slayer.

    Nancy “The Mongoose” Pelosi. It has a certain ring to it.

    May she slay lots of evil slimy snakes in government during her term in office.

  8. mango_king says:

    Cheers! Happy Birthday!!! (nice present, ain’t it?!?!?!)

  9. rsc says:

    When the full story about that finally comes out (and I’m sure that the House will start investigating shortly) he’ll be impeached and convicted without a dissenting vote.

    I know you’re living over there in that furrin country, but are you really this out of touch? It’s a nice fantasy, but there’s absolutely no chance it will happen.

  10. chrishansenhome says:

    It is indeed a nice fantasy. On my birthday, am I not entitled to some pleasure?

    There was no chance that Clinton would be convicted, but they went ahead and impeached him anyway.

  11. chrishansenhome says:

    I’m tickled pink! And today’s victim of the landslide is Donald Rumsfeld! What a wonderful additional birthday present!

  12. rsc says:

    The Democrats are unlikely to squander their (probably fairly limited) political capital on a revenge fantasy. At least I hope not. (And, indeed, Nancy Pelosi has already said that impeachment is not in her plans.)

    But the results are mostly good, and happy birthday anyway!

    One additional pleasant surprise: Arizona, of all places, voted down an anti-gay-marriage question. (This doesn’t make up for the large number of similar questions that passed elsewhere, including [most disappointingly] Wisconsin, but it’s something.)

  13. mango_king says:

    I just saw that on the news!!! What a truly great day this is. 😉