Today’s Pravda headline

“The US executes its citizens every 10 days”

I see. They must multiply relatively rapidly then…

2 Responses to “Today’s Pravda headline”

  1. spwebdesign says:

    Ah, see how a relatively minor mistranslation can completely change the meaning of the sentence? Clearly, what they meant to say was that the US kills its citizens every 10 days, kills as in la petite morte…so what they meant to say was that the US fucks its citizens every 10 days, which is somewhat of an understatement.

  2. trawnapanda says:

    or does it mean that the average US citizen only gets one orgasm every ten days? fewer than ten orgasms per calendar year…

    oh dear, I’m almost over my quota already, and it’s only february. good thing I’m not a US citizen. I dread to think what the penalty for going over-quota would be.