A URL for <lj user=”trawnapanda”>

I think this is appropriate for the season.

3 Responses to “A URL for <lj user=”trawnapanda”>”

  1. trawnapanda says:

    I will eschew comments on the nastiness of people who point ailuropods in the direction of execrable marshmallow divots.

    Instead, as you point out, it’s appropriate to be seasonal. Today is Palm Sunday.

    Maybe we should consider sparing the palm trees and cast p*eps (in whatever form) underfoot that the donkey may trample on them. Yes, that sounds about right.

  2. pyrzqxgl says:

    I think this might be more to his liking.

  3. trawnapanda says:

    very amusing, thank you.

    P*eps in rivers of blood, about to be attacked by fire or locusts all seem about right. (Are those Goldfish(tm) crackers?)

    though I do have a fond spot for the thought of p*eps being trampled by donkeys, too.