Today’s Sentencing URL

The gentleman who developed the lethal injection cocktail of three drugs which is used in many places for executing criminals has had second thoughts about it. But if you read to the end, you may be surprised at what he thinks might be best placed to replace the lethal injection.

Allons enfants de la Patrie/Le jour de gloire est arriv

3 Responses to “Today’s Sentencing URL”

  1. legalmoose says:

    Wouldn’t his preferred method be a bit … messy?

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    Messier than electrocution? I’ve heard some stories about that method that would curl your toes. Messier than hanging? Ask Saddam’s henchman, whose head came off when the rope by which he was being hanged was a bit too long. Messier than a shot to the back of the head (en la mode Chinoise)?

    I don’t want anyone executed. I would guess that the guillotine might be at least instantaneous and perhaps as painless as one can get. Let’s fight to stop capital punishment now!

  3. spwebdesign says:

    I was thinking guillotine before I got to the end. If you must kill someone, the guillotine does seem the swiftest, least painful way. And, because you’re making a clean cut, it need not be messy at all.

    Of course, I’m with you: it’s up to God, not to people, to decide when to take a life.