Miscellaneous observations from lunchtime

I have now figured out why people don’t look me in the eye when we pass on the pavement. They’re looking at my bow tie. As a woman passed me this morning, she looked at my face, then her eyes dropped down to my neck and stayed there. I now know what buxom ladies complain about.

The pet suitcase season is in full swing. I had to dodge three or four this morning. Why can’t people gauge where they are when carrying or pulling large suitcases?

A huge marquee is being erected in the south portion of Eaton Square Gardens. There are even posh portable toilets at the west end of it.

3 Responses to “Miscellaneous observations from lunchtime”

  1. roidsrage says:

    wear a shirt that reads ” i got a BIG one” and i m sure their gaze will go lower

  2. chrishansenhome says:

    What, and be branded a fibber?

    HWMBO has a T-shirt he bought in all innocence. He was flabbergasted when I pointed out that a shirt which has a picture of a victrola on it and the legend “Twelve inch and single” is kind of naughty.

  3. rsc says:

    …and, in his case, false on at least one count.